Saturday, March 29, 2025
Latest NewsAutonomous VesselsNext generation specialist, SeaBot Maritime, unveils new identity reflecting its pioneering work...

Next generation specialist, SeaBot Maritime, unveils new identity reflecting its pioneering work in people and technology transformation

SeaBot Maritime, the positive disrupter in next generation maritime, has unveiled its new identity, reflecting its position at the forefront of maritime sector people-technology integration.

The new visual identity, messaging and website embodies SeaBot Maritime’s innovative and pioneering operating mantra, and continued commitment to the global maritime industry and to that of its loyal worldwide customer base.

SeaBot Maritime provides the bedrock for organisations who are involved in safety critical operations and who are pushing the frontiers using emerging technology, ensuring full utilisation and new technology integration with both existing and new workforces.  This is achieved using a blended approach to learning design and delivery with eLearning developed using their full stack development capability.   Additionally, it also helps maritime businesses through change management and digital transformation, identifying the gaps in their teams and assets; particularly to those operating or looking to adopt and benefit from the use of marine autonomy and uncrewed vessels and systems, helping them to remain ahead, safely, smarter and cleaner.  

Launched as SeaBotXR in 2018 as a maritime-centric synthetic environment and blended eLearning provider, the past exhilarating four years have seen the company grow from grassroots to rapidly becoming the leader in people-tech integration with uncrewed systems, worldwide.

Recently designing and delivering the first MASS certified training scheme for uncrewed vessels, SeaBot Maritime’s range of other projects have included workforce gap and training needs analysis for people transformation delivery. APP simulated environment design, eLearning conversion, mobile learning APPs, and the development of an array of software toolkits that underpin pan-industry talent and business asset management,

The new visual identity and new website reflects SeaBot Maritime as the first choice in people and technology integration in maritime. SeaBot Maritime’s global base of enterprise and defence clients include SBM Offshore, the UK National Oceanography Centre and Fugro, across maritime geo-surveying, renewables, shipping and the energy sectors.

Gordon Meadow, CEO and Founder of SeaBot Maritime comments, “we are delighted to unveil SeaBot Maritime’s new visual identity and messaging, which reflects our continued commitment to the maritime sector and its people, with a particular focus on upskilling a new and the existing workforce.”

“Seafaring today is very much beyond simply on-boarding and salt-encrusted experiences, bringing together a diverse array of people, seeing desired skillsets incorporating digital-based and onshore people and technology connectivity to ever greater degrees.

“We keep people front and centre of new technology, with SeaBot Maritime providing organisations the benefit of our unique core skillsets acquired from encapsulating maritime, aviation and space sectors direct and real-world experience and knowledge.

SeaBot Maritime enables a maritime organisation spanning its people, its technology, and assets, to co-exist and flourish, today and tomorrow.”

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​About SeaBot Maritime

Part of the SeaBot Group, SeaBot Maritime is a British business founded in 2018, working with those who operate within critical industries to meet the challenges of the fast-moving digital age.

With a particular focus on the shift to automation and the use of collaborative systems, SeaBot Maritime uses cutting-edge approaches to create effective technology partnerships, revolutionising the learning journey, end-to-end, and help organisations understand, underpin and maintain workforce competency requirements. 

Gordon Meadow, Founder & CEO, SeaBot Maritime & SeaBot Group

Gordon Meadow is CEO and Founder of SeaBot Maritime, CEbotiX, and of the SeaBot Group.  He is committed to global development of Maritime Education and Training and the digital transformation of the maritime workforce’s transition to the connected mariner. 

Gordon is driving the skills and competencies agenda at various industry forums; he is Chair of the IMarEST’s Maritime Autonomous Surface Ship (MASS) Special Interest Group, Co-Chair of the International Standards Working Group, MASSPeople and Chair of the UK MASRWG, People Skills and Ethics Committee. 

He is also a member of the Society of Maritime Industries MASG Committee and represents IMarEST on the Royal Academy of Engineering Safety and Ethics of Autonomous Systems working group.

About the SeaBot Group

SeaBot Group’s mission is to make maritime Safer, Cleaner and Smarter and we champion the crucial role that the human plays in the people technology partnership. 

Through our subsidiaries, SeaBot Maritime and CEbotiX, which is the National Centre for Excellence in Marine Robotics, which is headquartered at the National Oceanography Centre’s Innovation Centre, we offer change transformation and training services to shipping, renewable energy and offshore energy. 

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