Thursday, March 6, 2025
Ship & Boat BuildingFishingOCEANTECH announce the contract signing of a new 26 Metre Longliner

OCEANTECH announce the contract signing of a new 26 Metre Longliner

OCEANTECH are proud to announce the contract signing of a new 26 Metre Longliner between Westleet Fishing Limited and AIMEX Services Group in Nelson New Zealand. This signing adds to the growing list of Oceantech modern steel fishing vessel designs being constructed for both Australian and New Zealand clients.

Based in Greymouth and Nelson Westfleet Fishing Limited is headed up by CEO Craig Boote and operates a vertically integrated fishing operation consisting of 2 long liners, 3 stern trawlers and a modern 3500m2 factory in Port of Greymouth on the West Coast of New Zealand South Island.

The new vessel named “TE RUNANGA” after Craig’s hometown is to be used for longlining both pelagic and demersal species primarily pink ling and incorporates a number of features that make it unique, extending the companies fishing capabilities, increasing efficiencies and crew comfort.

With principal dimensions of 26 x 7.8 x 3.6 metres and a maximum displacement of 300 tonnes the new design is longer, beamier and built significantly stronger than Westfleet’s two current longliners but importantly has double the fish hold and fuel capacity to permit longer voyages to areas not accessible to the existing vessels.

The vessel will be launched in mid 2022.


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