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Successful launch of the BOOST offshore floating solar demonstrator at La Palma

The BOOST project consortium announces the successful completion of the BOOST floating solar demonstrator (Bringing Offshore Ocean Sun to the global market). This pioneering...

X1 Wind reports successful PivotBuoy Project results boosting new commercial interests

The PivotBuoy project, developed by X1 Wind in collaboration with 9 industry and R&D leaders, finalized its offshore demonstration with excellent results that promise...

Ocean Oasis presents the Gaia prototype for wave energy desalination in Gran Canaria. 

The Norwegian company Ocean Oasis unveiled the prototype of its offshore floating desalination plant at Las Palmas in Gran Canaria. The prototype, named “Gaia”,...

X1 Wind successfully installs floating wind platform in Spain

X1 Wind’s floating platform has been successfully installed at the PLOCAN test site in the Canary Islands. As summer trade-winds abated, a suitable weather window...

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