On the 21st July, 2022 were honoured to welcome HRH The Princess Royal to Teignbridge for a tour of the foundry, factory and offices guided by MD, Mark Phare. In addition to Her Royal Highness a VIP party comprising of a number of local dignitaries including the MP for Newton Abbot, The Lord Lieutenant of Devon, The High Sherriff of Devon, The Chairman of Devon County Council, The Chairman of Teignbridge District Council and the Mayor of Newton Abbot. We also hosted several customers and their wives representing UK and overseas companies.
The Princess Royal met and spoke to a number of staff members during her tour which included witnessing the pouring of a large propeller mould in the foundry and a number of CNC lathes in action.
Following the foundry, factory and office tour HRH officially opened the new £1.1 million, 625m2 offices by unveiling a bronze plaque, which was cast in our foundry and machined and engraved on one of our newest CNC milling machines.
The event was watched by Teignbridge staff and adjacent local businesses

Director and shareholder David Hunt present HRH with a small mounted propeller as a memento of her visit. The propeller was designed for a pilot boat and this scale model was produced for tank testing as part of the design validation process.
The Princess Royal was also presented with a bouquet of flowers by Marina Toomey the 10 year old granddaughter of David Hunt.
The formal ceremony was followed by champagne and canapés in the new offices for the guests and VIP’s who were joined by the office staff, directors and their wives.
In tandem employees also enjoyed a lunch of canapés and drinks outside in the sunshine
The new offices host the Innovation & Technology Dept, Engineering, Sales, Purchasing, IT & HR teams, releasing space in the main factory for additional production capacity.
The addition of these new offices reflects the continual investment and growth at Teignbridge.