Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Ship & Boat BuildingDry CargoBoomsma shipping and Leonhardt & Blumberg order four plus four low-emissions short...

Boomsma shipping and Leonhardt & Blumberg order four plus four low-emissions short sea dry cargo vessels

In close cooperation with renowned design company Conoship International, Boomsma Shipping developed a next generation, low-emissions short sea dry cargo vessel type of 8.500 tons. At an early stage of the project development, Hamburg based ‘Leonhardt & Blumberg’ became a project partner.

Known for their strong position in the container vessel market and the product tanker market Leonhardt & Blumberg has decided to diversify into the short sea dry cargo vessel market as well. The Boomsma group was selected as strategic partner on the basis of its long year standing in the market, its knowhow, excellent track record and on the basis of the two companies sharing the same visions and values for the future. JR Shipbrokers & Consultants (part of JR Shipping Group), with whom both Boomsma and Leonhardt & Blumberg work closely together, acted as matchmaker and newbuilding broker.

The low-emissions short sea dry cargo vessels of 8.500 tons

The two owners jointly ordered a series of four plus four vessels with Chowgule Shipbuilding in India. Chowgule will build these vessels at their new shipyard in Mangalore which will start production spring 2024 once the yard facility has been modernized.

The unique characteristics of the new design are:

  • Extremely efficient in terms of cargo carrying capacity per energy unit.
  • 8.500 ton deadweight – 13.900 cubic meter single hold – open top – complete tween deck.
  • Optimized diesel electric propulsion ready for life-time expansion and future fuels.
  • 50% – 60% less propulsion energy needed compared to existing tonnage.
  • Ready for innovations such as: wind assisted propulsion, carbon capture and emission free operation on batteries to lower emissions even further.
  • 50% – 90% lower CO₂ emissions.

From autumn 2025 onwards the vessels will be delivered either to Boomsma Shipping or Leonhardt & Blumberg. Once in service, the vessels will all be commercially operated in a pool by NewTide Chartering in Rotterdam, part of the Boomsma group.

Mr. Johan Boomsma of Boomsma Shipping said, “Climate change can no longer be ignored and ‘change of course’ is absolutely necessary. Regulations to achieve a greener shipping industry are coming into force. For the short term, our focus is on fuel consumption reduction. As a consequence, emissions are lowered.

We at Boomsma Shipping are very proud that our esteemed colleague ‘Leonhardt & Blumberg Shipmanagement’ in Hamburg has selected us as their strategic partner for developing their new activity in the short sea dry cargo vessel market. Since the initial discussions some two years have passed during which we worked very well together. The know-how and strengths of the two organizations are complementary and what is even more important, there is trust and respect.

Mr. Torben Koelln of Leonhardt & Blumberg said, “Some two years ago, the principal owners and the management team of Leonhardt & Blumberg decided to diversify the group’s activities while maintaining strongly positioned in its ‘home market’ of container feeder vessels. Two target markets were identified from starters. Being, the market for mid-size product tankers and the market for short sea dry cargo vessels. And new business development for both new activities commenced. The first product tankers came first through acquisition of suitable second-hand vessels. But it was clear that the best approach for the short sea dry cargo vessel market would be to do a newbuilding program. Hence this took a while longer.”

Mr. Arjun Chowgule of Chowgule Shipbuilding said, “Through the committed work of our team, The Chowgule Group has built up trust amongst owners and managers of short sea dry cargo vessels. During the last twenty years we built over 50 units for owners from The Netherlands, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Finland and UK.

We are proud that Boomsma Shipping and Leonhardt & Blumberg awarded us the contracts for the building of their 8.500 tonners. They will thus be the launching costumers of our Mangaluru Shipyard.Special thanks to ‘JR Ship Brokers & Consultants’ which acted beyond their call as the coordinating newbuilding broker to align all interests and make the deal happen.”

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