Saturday, March 15, 2025
Offshore WindFloating Offshore WindFloating offshore wind could create 3,900 Scottish jobs

Floating offshore wind could create 3,900 Scottish jobs

ScotWind bidder Floating Energy Allyance commits to local manufacture of turbine foundations.

Proposals for a floating offshore wind farm could create 3,900 jobs in Scotland at the peak of manufacturing and construction, if successful in a leasing round for the rights to develop new offshore wind projects in Scottish waters.

The figures have been published by Floating Energy Allyance (FEA), a partnership including BayWa r.e., Elicio, an experienced Belgian offshore wind developer, owner and operator, and floating wind technology developer BW Ideol. 

The group is one of a number of bidders in the ScotWind leasing round, run by Crown Estate Scotland, which closed on 16th July, and is committed to manufacturing the project’s floating concrete foundations at a port location in Scotland.

The employment projections have been developed by respected independent economic consultancy Biggar Economics. 

Speaking ahead of a major conference in Aberdeen tomorrow (Wednesday 15th September) on the growth of floating offshore wind, Gordon MacDougall, Managing Director of Baywa r.e UK, said: “Floating Energy Allyance is focused on being at the vanguard of the development of floating wind in Scotland and fully committed to maximising the opportunities for the Scottish supply chain if successful in ScotWind.

“At the heart of that pledge is our commitment to the manufacture of 100 per cent of our concrete foundations at a port location in Scotland.  This would drive the majority of the 3,900 jobs created by one of our projects at the peak of construction.

“We would also invest in a new Floating Energy Allyance Supply Chain Fund to support as many Scottish companies as possible to compete for work across all phases of our project.”

Paul de la Gueriviere, Chief Executive of BW Ideol, said: “These figures reinforce the significant levels of employment that floating wind could create in Scotland, in particular when using BW Ideol’s proven and internationally recognized concrete floater. 

We have engaged with a number of established civil engineering and construction companies already present in the Scottish market; companies with a proven capability and expertise to manage local fabrication, and built up a significant supplier database through our engagement with the Scottish supply chain.”

“We have also assessed a number of ports up and down the east coast which would be suitable for our manufacturing operation and are now progressing an option with our preferred location.”

Alain Janssens, CEO of Elicio, commented: “We are under no illusions – we know that ScotWind is an incredibly competitive process, with 74 bids for 15 sites, reflecting the global interest in developing projects here in Scotland.

“However, we believe we have a compelling blend of experience and capability as we seek to develop the first commercial-scale floating wind projects in Scotland – and, potentially, a unique offering in term of the numbers of jobs our projects would create.”

Crown Estate Scotland will announce the successful applicants in early 2022.

Copyright: BW Ideol

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