Monday, March 3, 2025
Ship & Boat BuildingPilot BoatsGladding-Hearn Delivers Humphree equipped Pilot Boat to Associated Federal Pilots

Gladding-Hearn Delivers Humphree equipped Pilot Boat to Associated Federal Pilots

Somerset, Mass. shipbuilder Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding, Duclos Corporation delivered a new Chesapeake class pilot boat to the Associated Federal Pilots in Venice, La.

With a deep-V hull designed by Ray Hunt Design, the new all-aluminum launch measures 52.6’ overall, with a 16.8’ beam and a 3.10’ draft. Powered by twin Volvo Penta D-16, EPA Tier 3-certified diesel engines, each producing 641 Bhp at 1800 rpm; the vessel’s top speed is 26 knots. A Humphree interceptor trim control system, with its Automatic Trim Optimization, was installed at the transom.

Outside of the wheelhouse are wide side-decks and two raised boarding platforms on the bow. Ladders on the sides of the wheelhouse lead to hinged boarding platforms on the roof. A control station is located near the stepped transom, along with a winch-operated rotating davit system over a recessed platform for pilot rescue operations.

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