Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Power & PropulsionOutboard MotorsOXE's Largest Single Order Ever

OXE’s Largest Single Order Ever

OXE Marine Inc, a subsidiary of OXE Marine AB, announce a significant order worth US$6.6 million to supply a United States Governmental Agency. The order encompasses a comprehensive package of cutting-edge solutions, including OXE diesel outboard engines, rigging accessories, services kits and their trademarked containerised life-cycle support system, C-CRES.

The order is scheduled for delivery across 2025 and 2026, with the majority of units expected to be delivered during 2025.

“We are excited to be selected again as the supplier to a US governmental customer and further shows our growth in this segment. The OXE outboard is well positioned to bring the benefits of performance, fuel efficiency and the logistical and safety benefits around running diesel in fleet operations. More and more government customers are considering OXE as a viable option to build new or repower their fleets.” says Jeremy Davis, CCO and US Executive Vice President of OXE Marine INC.

“This is the largest single order ever received in OXE’s history and has a significant impact on our company as it demonstrates the company’s ability to enter into larger projects. As we have now completed the refinancing of our company, we are in a much stronger financial position to be able to manage larger orders. Orders of this size also help with bringing efficiencies into our supply chain and production. We are honoured to be selected as the propulsion supplier of choice and this shows our continued momentum as a supplier to governmental customers in the marine segment.” says Paul Frick, CEO of OXE Marine AB.

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