Sunday, February 9, 2025
Ship & Boat BuildingFishingSix new fishing vessels at Karstensens with Brunvoll systems

Six new fishing vessels at Karstensens with Brunvoll systems

«Karstensens Skibsværft are very satisfied with the collaboration with Brunvoll. We believe that Brunvoll has a good product, which also satisfies our common clients. It is therefore obvious to Karstensens Skibsværft to continue with Brunvoll, as more or less the exclusive supplier of thruster systems”. Kent Damgaard, Karstensens Skibsværft

Once again, Brunvoll consolidates its position as the preferred partner for propulsion and manoeuvring systems for the fishing fleet. The six fishing vessels are newbuildings for Norwegian, Swedish and Scottish shipowners, to be delivered over the next two years.

Arne Tennøy, Sales Manager Fishery & Aquaculture at Brunvoll, is very satisfied that such a large portion of the newbuildings in fishery choose Brunvoll Systems. He is glad to see that new customer relations are created while established relations constantly chooses Brunvoll solutions for their new vessels.

“Our products and systems are well adapted to requirements in modern ship designs. Karstensens design emphasizes reduced emissions and a green operating profile in their vessels. This corresponds very well with Brunvoll’s systems designed for optimum efficiency and low energy consumption“, says Tennøy.

Innovative fishing vessel owners are eager to improve their operation, and it is exciting to see that our retractable azimuth thruster is a success in fishing. Since 2004 when the purse seiner/trawler «Libas» was the first fishing vessel to install Brunvoll’s retractable azimuth thruster, several other fishing vessels have experienced the benefits of this way of manoeuvring. Especially high interest from pelagic trawlers and the longliners, and now also the Danish seine and bottom trawl vessels have shown an increasing interest.  

“Efficiency and reduced emissions are important for the fishing industry, and Hybrid Propulsion Systems often in combination with a 2-speed gearbox, have proven to give significant energy savings. Brunvoll has long experience in designing hybrid propulsion systems optimised for the operation profile of the vessel”, Tennøy continues. “Gollenes” will be equipped with a Brunvoll hybrid propulsion system.

Brunvoll has secured contracts for the below mentioned newbuildings at Karstensens Skibsværft.

In addition there are further two signed contracts, just awaiting some clarifications before public anouncement.

Hull no.: 468 «Gollenes»

The shipowner Gollenes AS of Norway, has signed a contract for a trawler of 69,99 meter, which will replace the vessel with the same name, built at the same shipyard 10 years ago. The supply from Brunvoll consist of a Hybrid Propulsion system with a 4500 mm CP-propeller and a reduction gearbox with PTO/PTI designed for electric mode, power-take home and boost, a thruster system of 2×950 kW transverse thrusters and BruCon control system.  

Illustration: Karstensens Skibsværft

Hull no.: 471 «Sille Marie»

The Norwegian owner Sille Marie AS has signed a contract for a pelagic trawler of 65,90 meter, where Brunvoll will deliver the thruster system consisting of 2×700 kW transverse thrusters and BruCon control system.

Illustration: Karstensens Skibsværft

Hull no.: 470 «Christina S»

The Scottish owner Christina S Fishing Company has signed a contract for a pelagic trawler of 77 meter. The Brunvoll supply is a thruster system consisting of a transvers thruster of 950 kW and a retractable azimuth combi thruster of 850 kW, and BruCon control system.  

Illustration: Karstensens Skibsværft

Hull no.: 461 «Ginneton»

The Swedish owner Gifico has ordered a trawler of 63,8 meter, where Brunvoll will deliver thruster system consisting of 2×700 kW transverse thrusters and BruCon control system.  

Illustration: Karstensens Skibsværft
Arne Tennøy, Sales Manager Brunvoll
Photo: Jørgen Eide, Brunvoll

Sales Manager Arne Tennøy is proud that Brunvoll is a preferred supplier of propulsion and manoeuvring systems for new fishing vessels at Karstensens Skibsværft in Denmark.  

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