Saturday, March 29, 2025
Deck EquipmentCranesUlstein Verft and Nexans repeats crane package from Red Rock

Ulstein Verft and Nexans repeats crane package from Red Rock

Nexans has returned to Ulstein Verft to build a new and updated version of the DP3 cable laying vessel “Nexans Aurora”. Red Rock has been contracted again by Ulstein Verft to deliver upgraded crane package.

The cable laying vessel has a deck capacity of 10.000t of cable, an under deck capacity of 3.500t cable and will be one of the world’s most advanced cable layer vessels. It measures 31 meters in width and 149.9 meters in length and can accommodate a crew of 90.

In addition to the upgraded crane package from Red Rock there will also be delivered two work baskets, at the stern, with common hydraulic power unit.

“Red Rock is proud and excited to be part of the new Nexans CLV. A repeat order from Ulstein Verft for the new vessel shows that the custom made Red Rock products is a good fit for an advanced vessel as this one,” said Red Rock’s Sales Manager Bjørn Mossestad.

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